Thursday, January 1, 2015

Bolton Explores Run for Commissioner

David "Scotty" Bolton, a second term Councilor in McSherrystown Borough, has announced he is eyeing a run for Adams County Commissioner this Spring.

The councilman has assembled an exploratory committee to determine what resources and support are available should he decide to enter the race this coming year. "We have spoken to people across the county this past year who have been very encouraging about a possible run", said Bolton, "and right now we are putting together a game plan to garner support and define the logistics of what a campaign might entail."

Councilor Bolton was first elected via a write-in campaign in 2011 for a two-year term made available due to a vacancy on the seven-member Borough Council. He won re-election in 2013 to a four-year term, with four people vying for three positions.

"Scotty" has been very active in his civil duties since taking his seat three years ago. He has served on the Hanover Regional Economic Development Committee as McSherrystown's municipal delegate since its inception his first year on Council. He was the Sewer Committee Chair his first two years, overseeing the commencement of the Borough's Sewer Upgrades, until he was reassigned last year as the chair of the Civil Service Committee. 

Attending Adams County Boroughs Association (ACBA) meetings since his first month on the job, Bolton was asked to run for and won the seat of Vice-President of the organization in his second year, which he has maintained since. He was also asked to form and chair the new Legislative Committee for the ACBA, which has produced four pieces of legislation over three years, three of which have been adopted by the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) as objectives in their Municipal Policy Statements. The fourth, the ACBA Resolution 2014-2: Industrial Hemp Cultivation, is quickly gaining groundswell support by municipalities in the county and across the state, and will lend support to a forthcoming PA Senate Bill to legalize the industry in Pennsylvania.  

Bolton also serves as one of three ACBA voting representatives to the Adams County Transportation Planning Organization and has served as McSherrystown's and Adams County's voting delegate to the PSAB General Assembly. He is also a member of the PSAB Board of Directors, serves on their Resolutions and Policy Committee, and is the Region 5 (of six) representative on the organization's Nominating Committee.

In addition to his service, Councilor Bolton has also taken every opportunity to expand his knowledge and understanding of the political process, having attended many courses and seminars in Municipal Procedures, Leadership and Municipal Law offered by the PSAB.

"He has been schooled, trained and proven in successful business management most of his adult life. He has a passion for public service. He has had a lot of opportunities to serve on many levels in public and we believe that his unique and diverse skill set is directly translatable to the successful performance of the duties of a County Commissioner", an anonymous member of his exploratory committee stated. Bolton's current vocation is with RMC, Inc. as a General Manager in one of their 13 locations.

"I have enjoyed working with all three of our current Commissioners at one point or another over the past few years. I believe in the democratic process and I believe that voters should always have a choice of candidates. It bothers me that all too often candidates run unopposed. I believe our voting system serves not only to select our elected officials, but also to open up dialogue between the candidates collectively and the voters as to the expectations and direction of our future.", Bolton added, "I am very grateful and honored to serve in the capacities I have, and am equal to the task of serving as a County Commissioner if given the opportunity by The People of Adams County."

Bolton and his committee hope to make a public announcement sometime prior to the start of the petitioning process, which begins in February of this year.  Adams County will elect three County Commissioners in November to serve four-year terms, beginning in 2016.  Current Commissioners Randy Phiel, Jim Martin and Marty Qually, all serving their first terms, have already announced they will all seek re-election.