Thank you for tuning in to my blog. I appreciate your interest and thank you for allowing me to continue to represent you.
I have several topics to discuss in this issue. I would like to begin with the meeting I attended last Thursday with the Hanover Borough Water and Sewer Committee, where I was afforded the opportunity to gain some specific answers on the questions I had previously posed concerning the Inter-Municipal Wastewater Agreement, followed by a recap of my concerns with the Nuisance Ordinance Amendment as it pertains to furniture, then touching on some of the specifics within the 2013 Borough Budget, a few notes on the Hanover Area Regional Economic Development Committee, and lastly looking forward to the Adams County Borough Association meeting to be held this evening.
Hanover Regional Inter-Municipal Wastewater Agreement
I would first like to thank Barb Krebs and Ed Reed for the invitation to attend their committee meeting last week. They were not only cordial and accommodating, but very thorough in their explanations concerning the Inter-Municipal Wastewater Agreement.
Specifically, I had posed the question asking why the audit procedure lumps the municipalities into one audit instead of separately as the original document dictates. The current audit DOES list each municipality separately, however, only one audit is completed in order to reduce the costs of having four individual documents produced. This makes complete sense, and still allows for the proper financial distributions to be displayed for public record.
I had also questioned why, after 25 years, do we need to document these abberations to the original agreement in writing, as opposed to amending the original document. It was explained that some 25 years ago, the relationships between the municipalities were such that an agreement on a handshake was as good as a legal document today. However, in today's legal environment, a handshake agreement does not pull weight with auditors who must abide by the rules to which they are bound. As such, the agreement, which has been in effect since that time, had to be formalized. When I questioned why the original document was not re-written, it was explained that in order to do so would constitute a new document in the eyes of the DEP and other regulatory establishments, and would be subject to the entire process of review and approval. This process would cost the municipalities much time and money, and would also subject the agreement to newer and possibly more restrictive guidelines, as some of the policies and allowances of these regulatory establishments have changed over the years. This also makes sense to me.
My other major concern was in regards to the Conveyance System Charge. It is currently being distributed on a percentage of the original Capital Contribution each municipality gave towards the construction of the system. I wondered why, since we meter the amounts coming from each municipality, do we not charge for this as stated in the agreement the same way we charge for the metered usage. It was explained that this Conveyance Charge is such a small amount compared to the total that it is more intensive to calculate the exact number, which would not actually change enough to warrant the labor it would take to keep track of it. Ideally, we are really talking a matter of several dollars; not hundreds or thousands of dollars. In efforts to streamline the process and reduce costs for its administration, it was decided to fix that amount each year. Once I was given the opportunity to see exactly how that works, this also makes sense.
Had I been afforded these answers PRIOR to voting on the Agreement, I would have been in favor of its signing. However, I will NEVER agree to vote on any legislation without fully understanding its impact on the constituents of this town. I would like to again thank the staff and municipal leaders of the Hanover Borough for affording me the opportunity to gain clarity concerning these matters, and look forward to working with them on the many joint projects we have together in the future.
Nuisance Ordinance Amendment
As this legislation did pass at the last meeting, with myself as the only dissenter, I will not spend a lot of time here in defense of my stance; many of you have read my comments previously concerning this topic. I would like to state that, in the Gettysburg Times, Dick Watson wrote that I was not in favor of it because of the wording. This is somewhat true.
I would have been in favor of passing this Ordinance had it not specfied which type of furniture would be banned, but if it would have stated more about the CONDITION of the furniture being used. Some on Council, after hearing my remarks against the legislation, said that we needed to be able to take action against those who did not keep their furniture in good condition, so as to avoid bugs, pests and disease. My comments were that the current Ordinances already address these concerns and give the Borough power to act when the need arises.
It is my belief still that the wording of this Ordinance is inappropriate and violates the rights of our citizens according to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If the furniture you use outside your home creates no threats to the life, liberty or pursuit of happiness of your neighbors, then it is of no concern to anyone what type of furniture you use on your own property. This Ordinance should have identified furniture that posed such threats, and not specific types of furniture.
2013 Borough Budget
I am happy to report that we have reviewed a Borough Budget which will be balanced and will not dictate any sort of tax increase for this next year. It has been proposed that there will be funds to establish a Borough website, which should come to fruition by mid-next year. I would like to thank the other members of Council for seeing the Borough website as a useful tool to keep the people of McSherrystown informed, and to help promote our town to outside businesses who may want to come establish locations here, as well as attract homeowners and families to live here.
I will have more on the budget specfics once it is voted on and approved later this year.
Hanover Area Regional Economic Development Committee (HARED)
I was also in attendance this past week with members from Conewago Township, Hanover Borough, Penn Township, York County Planning Commission, Adams County Planning Commission, York County Economic Alliance, Adams County Economic Development Corp., and the York/Adams Regional Smart Growth Coalition as we collaborated on the establishment of a Regional Economic Development Plan for these four municipalities. It is the first time in Pennsylvania state history that such a plan is being developed across county lines.
We reveiwed the process needed to put this Plan together, and the associated costs to each municipality. This Plan would help our area identify our facilities, infrastructure and resources which would attract businesses to establish here, creating jobs and expanding the tax base in our immediate area. It would also give us direction as to how to reach out to specific industries in efforts to bring them to our municipalities.
The costs associated with this endeavor would total $16,625. This cost would be distributed among the municipalites, with Hanover and Penn Township giving $4,421.25 each, and Conewago Township and McSherrystown giving $3,891.25 each. As members of the York County Economic Alliance, Hanover and Penn Township's contributions would be covered by that body.
To these ends, Shanna Terroso of the York/Adams Regional Smart Growth Coalition applied to the National Association of Realtors for a grant to cover the costs for McSherrystown and Conewago Township. If granted, this would mean that there would be no municipal contribution towards this project for the coming year. Shanna is hopeful that the grant will be approved by the end of November, and plans will be made to establish a Steering Committee by February, 2013 to start the Visioning Process and to study the Market Demand and Land Assessment in this region.
I am very excited about the opportunities this presents for local business leaders and residents alike to take an active role on this Committee. I will be actively communicating with the people of McSherrystown to see who is interested in joining me on the Steering Committee this coming Spring.
Adams County Borough Association
This governmental group is made up of representives from all the Borough Councils and Mayors in the county, as well as the local State Representatives Moul and Tallman, Senator Alloway, the Adams County Commissioners, Adams County township representatives and other important County officials. Reports are heard from the AC Radio Communication Group, AC Economic and Community Partnership, AC Transportation Planning Organization, AC Council of Governements, AC Tax Collection Committee and the Penn State Cooperative Extension.
By bringing together the elected leaders from the county municipalities, we gain greater insight as to the pertinent issues facing us individually and collectively. We are able to identify our strengths and opportunities for improvement, and to gain clarity on the impact of the legislation passed down to us by the state government. We are afforded the invaluable occasion to discuss these matters with our County Commissioners and our Congressional leaders, so that they can best represent the voices of our constituents.
At tonight's meeting, I will be accepting the nomination to become the Vice-President of this organization. In doing so, I hope to continue to serve not only the people of McSherrystown, but the people of Adams County as a whole, in efforts to promote the common good and to establish the means of creating an environment in which ideas will thrive, and where the actions that we initiate bring properity to the people, so that they may continue on their personal pursuits of happiness.
I am thankful for this opportunity, and I look forward to the great and wonderful things we can accomplish together for the good of our county.
For Liberty,
David "Scotty" Bolton
McSherrystown Borough Councilman and citizen
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