The PSAB Annual Conference was held April 25-29 at the
Lancaster Marriott. I attended the Board
of Directors meeting on the 25th.
In that meeting, we discussed replacing the sign outside of the PSAB
office in Harrisburg, which incorrectly reads Pennsylvania Boroughs
Association. A cost-effective solution
was agreed upon, and WJ Strickler of New Oxford had provided the quotes. It was suggested that we get other quotes,
but I successfully lobbied in favor of Strickler handling the changes, as they
had built the original sign and were familiar with the delicate materials
involved. After which, a vote was held
and I was selected to serve on the PSAB Executive Committee as the Eastern
Region At-Large representative of 35 counties, and serving all 916 member
boroughs throughout the state, and will also serve on the PSAB Finance
Committee. It was also officially
announced that my appointment to the Governor’s Rural Development Council was
approved by Gov. Wolf. In this capacity,
I will work with all relevant representatives from several state departments to
improve economic and agricultural opportunities for counties like ours across
During the Resolution & Policy Committee meeting, we
reviewed the submitted legislation and recommendations of the Steering
Committee, and those meeting approval went before the General Assembly for
consideration and adoption. There were
23 new resolutions in all. 2015-1
supported amendment to Act 164 of 2014 to exempt municipal employees from tax
collector certification and continuing education requirements. The motion was to oppose adoption, as it was
determined that these requirements, which are funded by the individuals and not
the municipalities, are essential considering the nature of the position. 2015-2 supported enabling legislation allowing
active volunteer fire fighters to receive a tax credit equal to their Local
Earned Income tax, which would help offset the financial costs of equipment and
other costs paid by the individual associated with their service. I argued in favor of this legislation after a
motion was made to decline support, stating the number of volunteers across the
state has dramatically decreased due to financial constraints. The amount of taxes necessary for these
credits would be a minimal loss to the municipalities and would promote
increased participation of this vital infrastructure. The motion to decline support passed; I was
the only dissenter. I also expressed support towards 2015-12, legislation
requiring municipalities with populations of 4000 or more to pay for PSP
service or provide their own force. With
more and more municipalities, such as Red Lion, with greater population
densities opting to ease budget concerns by relying on PSP service, we are
creating a situation where increased PSP budgets will eventually increase state
taxes to provide these services. I
believe we should keep those funds local by keeping our police services in
these more urban areas under local control with local and regional police
efforts. The committee agreed and passed
this resolution. The discussion on our
own ACBA 2014-2: Industrial Hemp Cultivation involved much debate, as two
individuals opposed to the measure tried to make a motion to decline support
just as I was making my motion to adopt.
After I gave a lengthy and informative presentation, the committee
determined that my motion was entered first, and the resolution was accepted,
with only the two original dissenters opposing.
Our resolution passed the General Assembly as well, with only the two
original dissenters opposing that vote.
I was also asked to preside over the information session
with Senators Daylin Leach and Mike Folmer discussing Medicinal Cannabis
(Senate Bill 3). There was a lot of
great discussion, questions and commentary from individuals about their
personal experiences. At the General
Assembly, a member of the R&P Steering Committee called upon the PSAB to
allow me to draft a resolution in support of SB3, which has passed the Senate
40-7, but is currently being derailed by Rep. Matt Baker who chairs the House Health
Committee and refuses to bring it to a vote.
There is significant support in the committee and House to pass the
bill, and Gov. Wolf has pledged support to sign if it reaches his desk. This bipartisan legislation would bring much
needed reform to our state laws and allow patients and doctors to decide the
best treatment options available for their ailments. The US Congress, with Rep. Scott Perry in the
lead, has promoted legislation preventing the federal authorities from interfering
with state law implementation of medicinal cannabis programs. No one person should have the power to derail
the efforts of the majority of lawmakers and citizens, and there is a call to
reform the rules of committees in the state Congress to take this power away
from the committee chairs. I will be an active advocate for this necessary reform.
I have also been asked to consider running for 2nd
Vice-President of the PSAB at next year’s Annual Conference, as the candidates
will be chosen from the Eastern Region.
I am very proud to serve Adams County in these capacities and will
continue to safeguard the interests of The People I have been sent to
represent. Thank you for the
David Bolton
McSherrystown Borough Councilor and Citizen
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