Monday, April 21, 2014

Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference--Initial Report

Thank you for tuning in to my current blog entry. I would like to submit for your perusal a brief listing of highlights from the PSAB Annual Conference. As this was a five day event for me, you can imagine that there are MANY words I could share on the many subjects covered. At this time, I will simply outline my involvements, and hope to expand on the subjects in later entries.

Saturday, April 5, 2014:  Arrive in State College around 12:15pm.

--Board of Director's Photo Shoot.
--Board of Director's Meeting - Annual Report.
--Board of Director's Dinner - Tara and I were invited to sit at the Officer's Table with PSAB President Kathy DePuy, 1st Vice-President Edward Child, 2nd Vice-President Jack Lawver and Linda Book, 2013 PSAB Service Award winner.

Sunday, April 6, 2014:

--Resolution and Policy Committee Meeting - PSAB Resolution 2014-2 (aka Municipal Radar Resolution, submitted by Adams County Boroughs Association's Legislative Committee). I presented copies of the resolution signed by 8 of 13 Adams County borough councils and one letter of support. Measure passed unanimously.
--Opening General Session - Met Dr. G. Terry Madonna from Franklin and Marshall College.

Monday, April 7, 2014:

--State Agency Briefing - Reports from executives from the Department of Community and Economic Development, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, PennDot, Department of General Services and CoStars. New funding opportunities available this coming budget year which may benefit our area.
--PSAB Business Meeting - Opening Business
--Association of Mayors of the Boroughs of PA meeting (by invitation) - "Eliminating Gun Violence from Illegal Weapons".
--Roundtable Discussion - State legislation and its effects on Boroughs, the benefits of education for staff and elected officials, the hurdles of police mergers, Fire Department budget shortfalls and solutions, use of internet and social media to keep The People informed.
--Mock Police Contract Arbitration - common impasse causes and mutually equitable solutions.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014:

--I was joined by Dave Wheeler, Littlestown Councilor and PSAB alternate delegate.
--Educational Sessions - Duties and Responsibilities of Council, Preparing for Borough Meetings, Effective meetings using Parliamentary Procedure.
--PSAB Legislative Meeting - Municipal Radar Resolution (PSAB 2014-2) is best served by HB1272, Senate bill being authored and sponsor identified and committed.
--H.A. Thomson seminars (Certified Boroughs Official's credit seminars)
     --PA Worker's Compensation Coverages for Volunteer Fire Companies.
     --Municipal Liability (Protecting your Municipality from Lawsuits).
--Awards Luncheon - surprise guest speaker Penn State Football Coach James Franklin
     --McSherrystown's Fred Walters awarded the 2014 PSAB President's Award for 40 years of service.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014:

--Closing Session
     --Sunshine Act: Adherence and Case Law presentation.
     --Votes on Resolutions by General Assembly - PSAB 2014-2 (Municipal Radar Resolution), Unanimous
     --Next meeting - October 17-19, 2014 in Gettysburg, PA.

I met a lot of very dedicated elected officials who come from many different walks of life, but share the common bond in a love of service to their fellow man. There is so much I learned from this experience, and I hope to share much more in detail in the near future. I want to thank The People of McSherrystown and the Borough Council for allowing me to represent them as the Voting Delegate in the General Assembly, as well as The People of Adams County and the Adams County Boroughs Association for allowing me to represent them as the Voting Delegate to the Conference. I will be sure to use the information presented at these functions to fulfill my duty of service to you all.  Please check back often, reread some of my previous entries, contact me with any questions or concerns, but most of all, please accept my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to represent you.

David "Scotty" Bolton

McSherrystown Borough Councilor and Citizen